This is a design from some time ago, made with and idea conceived even more time ago.
The design is based on the Coat of Arms of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry, except it shows the four “especialidades” of Telecommunication Engineering in Spain:
- Sistemas de Telecomunicación, represented with an antenna.
- Telemática, represented with a router.
- Electróncia de Comunicaciones, represented with a Bipolar Junction Transistor.
- Sonido e Imagen, represented with a speaker.
The fake school motto “Studiis sine bonis moribus” is latin for “Studies without good manners”. It’s meant to cause confusion on non-latin speakers since it sounds similar to “Estudiar sin Bonis, morimos”, which roughly translates to “Study without Bonis, we die”. Bonis is the surname of an infamous professor of Electromagnetism in our school.